Criminal Law

Criminal Law

Our practice is based in Kitchener, We can assist those charged with criminal offenses in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, Brantford, Hamilton, Stratford, Woodstock, and the surrounding areas. In most cases, the charges are laid under the Criminal Code and/or the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. We can assist with bails, trials, sentencing, and appeals.

We also defend quasi-criminal or regulatory offenses. Regulatory offenses often have adverse consequences such as fines, license suspensions, permanent loss of license, and sometimes even jail.

  • Impaired Driving

    Driving is a vital part of our lives. Anything that interferes with our ability to drive will have a far-reaching impact. The consequences of a driving-related charge may be more severe than you realize. Impaired driving is a very complicated area of law. If drinking and driving result in death or the police found drugs in your vehicle, the charges and penalties associated will increase. Drinking and driving can lead to a number of criminal offenses, including:

      · Impaired driving causing death

      · Refusing breath sample/approved screening device

      · Dangerous driving

      · Impaired driving

      · Driving while impaired by drugs

      · Criminal negligence in the operation of a motor vehicle

    Drinking and driving are accompanied by many penalties. Some of them include hefty fines, probation, criminal record, increased auto insurance rates, loss of your driver's license, and mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device that must be paid for by you. If you are not a Canadian citizen, as result of changes to the legislation introduced in 2018, you can be subject to removal from Canada if convicted. There are significant immigration consequences to permanent residents.

    For a strong defence against your charges, call us at 519-584-0769 or send us an email for a free consultation

  • Assault

    Assault is the intentional use of force against another person without their consent. Under assault also are the following different provisions:

      · Aggravated assault

      · Assault with a weapon

      · Assault causing bodily harm

      · Assaulting a peace officer

    For a strong defense against your charges, call us at 519-584-0769 or send us an email for a free consultation

  • Theft & Fraud Offences

    Understanding Theft Under the Criminal Code of Canada

    Theft, as defined by the Criminal Code of Canada, is a complex legal concept that encompasses various actions and intentions. Here's a clearer explanation:

    Theft occurs when someone intentionally:

      · Takes or converts property for personal use (or another's use)

      · Acts fraudulently with any item, living or non-living

      · Deprives an owner of their property or interest, either temporarily or permanently

      · Pledges or deposits the property as security

      · Alters the property so it can't be restored to its original state

    The law recognizes several forms of theft, including:

      · Retail theft

      · Breaches of trust

      · Workplace-related theft

      · Shoplifting

      · Price switching

      · Gaming offences

    If you're facing a theft charge, it's crucial to understand that pleading guilty isn't your only option. Many valid defences may apply to your specific case and circumstances. We have handled numerous theft cases and can identify which defences might work in your favour. Remember, each theft case is unique, and professional legal advice is essential to navigate the complexities of the Canadian criminal justice system.


    Fraud is a theft-related crime with specific legal implications. Under Canadian law, fraud occurs when someone:

      · Takes advantage of another person or persons

      · Defrauds them of money, valuable security, property, or service

      · Uses intentional deception

      · Acts for personal gain

    Fraud vs. Theft Charges

    While fraud charges often accompany theft charges, they present unique challenges:

      · Fraud is typically more difficult for the Crown Attorney to prove than theft

      · It often involves complex financial transactions or misrepresentations

    Common Types of Fraud

      · Fraud can manifest in various forms, including:

      · Breach of trust (especially with employers)

      · Credit and debit card fraud

      · Construction fraud by contractors

      · Defrauding financial institutions and businesses

      · Misrepresentation of legal documents

    As a property offence, fraud charges can include:

      · Multiple counts of alleged fraud

      · Charges covering extended periods of fraudulent behaviour

    If you're facing fraud charges, don't automatically plead guilty. Consider the serious consequences for yourself, your family, and future job prospects. Seek professional legal counsel to explore all available options. Remember, each fraud case is unique, and the complexities of these charges require careful legal consideration.

  • Regulatory Offenses

    Regulatory offenses are quasi-criminal offenses such as careless driving, driving while suspended, unlawfully hunting and fishing, and health and safety violations. Regulatory Offenses are provisional, non-criminal offenses. They include offenses set out in legislation such as:

        · The Highway Traffic Act

        · The Liquor License Act

        · The Occupational Health and Safety Act

        · The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act

        · The Fire Protection and Prevention Act

        · The Environmental Protection Act

    It is easier to be convicted of a Regulatory Offense than a criminal offense. Regulatory Offense convictions do not result in a criminal record, and many people do not take them seriously. The consequences of a Regulatory Offense conviction can be significant. The penalties can include large monetary fines, probation orders and even jail time.

    For a strong defense against your Regulatory Offense charges. Call us at 519-584-0769 or send us an email for a free consultation.